I figured I could offer up some funny at my own expense.
For my art class, the assignment was "Upside down drawing" in which we were instructed to copy a drawing by Pablo Picaso, but look at the original upside down so as not to worry about drawing fingers/face/ears but rather just following the lines.
So... above is my masterpiece. If you are thinking "hey, how come the shoulder goes at that weird angle..." then shut up. If you are wondering "wow, that's a really big lump on his head..." then stop it right now. And if you are starting to criticize the hands... shut your mouth. Just shut up, okay? I'm sensitive about my art.
So basically Picaso has nuthin' on me. I mean, seriously, look at that picture. Awesome doesn't really begin to describe it, and I'm pretty much quitting school this week to pursue art as a career. You can all say you "knew me when..."
That is, as long as you knock it off about the fact that the legs on the drawing belong to a 450 lbs Sa'amoan man. Just shut it!
Legs? I'm, ah, only seeing one...
Did the natives shrink his head? Seriously, though, you did a good job. I assigned this very same pic to my art class just last semester.
By the way, it's your cuz, HG here, speaking from experience and mocking you only slightly.
Absolute piss.
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