Witnessed here for the first time in the wild, the momma plane nurses the baby plane while making their arduous daily journey for food and water. Researchers have speculated about this behavior for years, but until now had no real proof showing the weaning process of modern aircraft. It is a glorious day for planeologists all over the world.
I want to reenlist for the planeologist option, Sergeant! I heard they get good jobs in the civilian world.
Not quite as good as the Rocket-shooting motorcycle job, but still a coveted position. And yes, the civilian market is plentiful for those with planeology backrounds.
JAL 777 feeding the DHL 737...brings to mind why is it always a near miss. Doesn't that imply that the objects in question deed in fact collide? Bye the way I know someone who has exactly the right motorcycle for a rocket shooting applications
The perfect motorcycle? Does it already have the capability to shoot rockets? And if so, what type of rockets? I don't want any sissy LAW rocket or something like that, I'm talkin Hellfire and Stinger baby!
Take a wild guess whos bike that would be, you helped put it up on top of a beer keg so we could change sprockets on it..........
Plane Geek, I am onto you now!!!
Cuz...ya bucket mouth...how 'bout I hold your head under water for just a minute?
Mamba does have a very special ability to shoot both Hellfire and Stinger. Along with some other neat tricks...like an anti-gravity kit and a cloaking device. Future upgrades may include phasers and photon torpedoes.
The ultimate upgrade would be a pair of H&K .45s mounted to the gas tank in kydex holsters (please refer to gun topic).
Option of H&K .45's or Stingers... Scotty, you need to rethink your tactical strategy.
Mamba - If you could include a phased plasma rifle with a 40 watt range, I'm sold.
Sorry, that was supposed to be addressed to "Plane Geek">
phased plasma rifle...we don't need no stinking plasma rifles. Mamba likes empty beer kegs to rest upon. And armaments...well nuff said already....be afraid very afraid...throw down your weapons and prepare to be boarded!!!!!!!!
Take off, you knob. I want the plasma rifle or the deal is off!
Hmmmm 8:08pm how far into a 12 pack is that plane geek?
I expect to see Mamba at work tomorrow, with your anti-gravity device a little snow shouldn't stop you from riding
Well Mamba needs her rest so there was no activity with the anti-gravity kit today. Don't want to scare the locals. Besides the anti-gravity kit does burn fuel at a prodigious rate...similar to a T7 at full power....what a glorious sound....Like a pygmy Huey. And for the record 808 equals about 5-6 beers or shots of shine. God help me.
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