Did you know that being married is like being nibbled to death by a duck?

Thursday, January 19, 2006

College Isn't Hard

Study: Most College Students Lack Skills - Please tell me that this isn't really news to anyone? There was once an episode of Jay Leno where he did his "Jay-walking" at a college campus, asking random, simple questions of students who were graduating. One of my favorites was "How many continents are there?", to which the student replied "I don't know, geography is not my major". Leno then asked "What is your major?", "Education" was the matter-of-fact response.
Scary? Yes. Surprising, most certainly not. Just as it is in high school, it is much too easy to "just get by" in college. I have worked with officers in the Army that graduated from West Point, supposedly one of our nation's premier educational institutions, who literally could not put on paper a sentence that obeyed the laws of the English language. Now that I am actually in college, I understand why. To many teachers simply do not care. Too many professors who are much more concerned with ranting about abortion and the war in Iraq than they are about actually teaching the subject matter at hand.
Studies like the one linked above are a joke. They tell us what we already know - that regardless of the college you went to, or the degree you obtained, you still need "real life" experience before you have any idea what you are doing. And being able to read helps, too. Or so I've been told.


Mrs. Wakeandahalf said...

BING! See how cool your RSS feed is? It only took an hour for me to notice you had a new post. :)

Mr. Twisted said...

Woo Hoo!!!

~Muse said...

Education Smeducation majors, don't even get me started. I took a 'Ethics in Contemporary Society' last semester as an online course. The majority of the students were 'Idjication' majors... they couldn't think they're way out of the proverbial wet paperbag, nor could they write a coherrent sentence. I have been scarred for life by that experience. =P

~Muse said...

.. and apparently I can't spell either... 'their way out of...' =P

Mr. Twisted said...

Oh don't kid yourself, it wasn't just the Education majors that were goofing up some pretty basic questions. As I remember, there was even a Poli Sci major who didn't know who the Sec. of State was. Good stuff.

~Muse said...

Touche! =P